March for Science

昨日の4月22日、ワシントンDCで "March for Science(科学のための行進)" が行われ、多数の市民・科学者が参加したようだ。

4月22日は、70年代に全世界に広がった環境保護運動の出発点となった 1970年の"Earth Day (地球の日)"が行われた日だ。

BrainPickingのMaria Popovaが、この"March for Science"で朗読されたJane Hirshfieldの "ON THE FIFTH DAY"という詩を紹介している。

 On the fifth day
 the scientists who studied the rivers
 were forbidden to speak
 or to study the rivers.
 The scientists who studied the air
 were told not to speak of the air,
 and the ones who worked for the farmers
 were silenced,
 and the ones who worked for the bees.
 Someone, from deep in the Badlands,
 began posting facts.
 The facts were told not to speak
 and were taken away.
 The facts, surprised to be taken, were silent.


"Science Not Silence (沈黙ではなく科学を)"というコピーも、気が利いていると思う。

語呂合わせでいうと、Mariaは、この4月24日にも、"The Universe in Verse: A Celebration of Science through Poetry (「詩の中の宇宙:詩を通じて科学を祝福する」)" というイベントを企画している。

“When power corrupts, poetry cleanses,” John F. Kennedy famously wrote. Half a century later, with art, science and the humanities under assault from the government, this intersection of science and poetry, truth and beauty, is an uncommon kind of protest and a singularly fertile frontier of resistance.






